Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday morning craft: Toddler motor skills toy DIY

I always see all these moms posting on pinterest "twenty things to do with your toddler" or "ways to distract a toddler." I discovered this womans blog who specialized in these type of things and I ended up reading A LOT of her stuff. I seen this project on her website and decided to give it a try, as my son loves to practice his motor and development skills ;).

What youll need
  1. Wrapping paper of your choice
  2. An empty container you could use a pringles one etc. (I used a container that dry bread crumbs came in) you get the idea...
  3. Large bottle caps. Gatoraid bottles, vitamin waters, etc.
  4. Stickers for decoration
  5. Tape
  6. Knife or sissors
Okay so first I washed the bottle caps and container really well with soap and let dry.(figuring that my 15 month old will taste every piece) Next, I cut wrapping paper to the size of the container and taped one side underneath and overlapped the other side and taped together so you get this,

Now take the plastic lid that the container comes with and cut a hole in the top that each bottle cap can fit through. Decorate the bottle caps with stickers put the cap on the container and let your little one get to work!

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